Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Special Visitor

For those of you not familiar with CCA ( the school I teach at), you should know that in terms of schools and districts it's very small. The middle/ high school is right across the street from our elementary building. So my mom, who teaches math at the high school, has come over to my classroom frequently in the time that I have taught 2nd grade. My dad has seen my classroom before ( when I first got hired) but that was 6 years ago! 

I mentioned before that I have a pre-student teacher in my room this year. One of her professors who came to observe her knows my dad. She told him he should volunteer in my classroom. ( She kind of gave him a hard time about it.) So he asked if he could come read to my kiddo's some Wednesday afternoon. ( His day off.)

Well, today was that day. He came in after lunch and read Arthur's Thanksgiving to them. ( We are studying Marc Brown this month for our author study.) The kiddo's loved it and I think he really got a kick out of meeting them. We invited him back next month to read us a Jan Brett story since we will be studying her then. I think he will come back! :)

( We wear uniform shirts at my school but these aren't it. This morning we went on our annual field trip to a local dentists office. He pays for the gas and bus driver so it is completely free. He and his staff show the kids around the office, show them how to take care of their teeth, give them a shirt and a tooth brush. They make molds of their fingers and he put's on a magic show. It's great!)

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I remember visiting the dentist when I was in school too.. definitely made the dentist less scary!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. :) Head over to my blog to see what the Liebster Blog award is all about!

    Mrs. D's Firsties


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