Monday, January 28, 2013

Kindle! Kindle! Kindle!

I am SO SO excited! This little baby is ALL mine! :)

A little backstory... 

Yesterday was my husband Kelly's work party. They always put on a nice party for their "members" ( aka employees) and this one was no exception. They had it at a place near us called Cran Hill Ranch ( or " Ranchy Hill as my daughter and nephew called it all day...too cute!) They had several different sledding hills, pony rides, rock climbing, ice climbing, marshmallow roasting ( yes, even in winter!) and many other things. In the summer they have more activities. We had never been there before but after yesterday, I am sure we will go again. We had a blast.

After all the sledding we headed over to their banquet hall for lunch and the prize give away. They always make sure that everyone leaves with a prize. They have gift cards and grand prizes. ( At the party this summer my husband won a $25 LOWES gift card and that was the standard prize!) I saw them bringing in some of the prizes when we got there. One that I was eyeing was a carpet cleaner and so I told Kelly to get that one if he drew a grand prize. Well, he did. But before he had gotten called someone else had chosen a Kindle Fire. I looked at the table and there was another one left. I was in a room off the hall and when he went up I shouted " get the Kindle Fire instead" as he was reaching for the carpet cleaner. So he did and I was so excited.

One of my teaching partners and I were talking about how great it would be to have a Kindle in our classroom for the kids to use during station time or as a reward. I knew I would be able to use his Kindle but I didn't know he would let me have it AND use it in my classroom!  He is truly the best!

Today we have a snow day and I am going to spend a large chunk of time playing with it. But my question for you all is this: What apps do you recommend? I was thinking of using it during literacy work stations but I would put any interesting school appropriate apps on it. I also want to put some on for my 3 year old daughter and, of course, any suggestions for me would be appreciated too! :)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew more about apps to help you! I love Apples to Apples too =) If only my Kinders could play it!


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