Saturday, February 9, 2013


Perusing Facebook while my kiddo watched an episode of Bubble Guppies and came across this sweet giveaway. Go check it out HERE AT TEACHER IDEA FACTORY.

Also, I am only 4 followers away from 100! What! That's crazy!!!! When I do hit the 100 mark I will DEFINITLY be doing some sort of  giveaway for that because that is amazing! If you would be interested in helping me out with that please let me know. I only have two things in TPT right now and they are both free so it wouldn't be much of a giveaway. LOL! But I will think of something! In the meantime go check out this FAB giveaway!


  1. Thank you for the shout out! I would love to help a fellow 2nd grade teacher out on her giveaway! Congrats to you!!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

    1. That would be awesome! When I reach that mark I will definitely get in contact with you. Thanks so much!

  2. Thank you for sharing!! Now you only need three :)

  3. HOW DID I MISS THI?!?! I would LOVE to help you out with a giveaway! Just shoot me an email when you're ready!! :)


Thanks for leaving a comment. You have o"fish" ally made my day. :)