Sunday, May 5, 2013

Currently and Goals

WHEW! Map testing is sucking every ounce of time and energy out of me. I CAN NOT WAIT until Tuesday when the Peanuts take their last test on Language Usage and we can celebrate them being done and relax a little bit.

I am super late to both these linkies, but I wanted to join in on SOME of the fun being had lately. I am linking up with two fun May activities: Currently and May Goals. 

 The first up is Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade and her infamous Currently.

Listening: I have a 3 year old... Peppa and a washing machine are necessities. :)
Loving: Our curriculum director ordered classroom for each teacher...a couple of months ago. They FINALLY came in on Friday!

Thinking: I always get a new purse for my birthday as my present from my Hubby. I am trying to decide which Coach one to go with.

Wanting/ Needing: No explanation necessary I am sure. :)

Summer Bucket List: My home office has been in various degrees of "done-ness" and messiness this year. I want to get it officially finished this summer.....Summer is always a good time to catch up on my time with my Peanut....and of course, my giant list of TPT items that I have floating around inside my head, I hope to have a good chunk of that list done by the end of summer.

The second one is from I HEART RECESS. She is having a May goals linky and I thought I would join.

Personal: I need 3 more classes to renew my certificate next June. Signed up for a class on Friday. It starts Monday... yeah... thank good ness it is online!

Health: I have been pretty consistently working out 3-4 times a week since about March. I haven't really lost any weight yet, but I feel much better when I do it. And I REALLY need to get more sleep a night. My average is 6 1/2 and I really do best with 8.

Blogging: MAP testing has really taken me away from my usual groove in all areas. This is just one of the areas that has suffered.

School: I can't believe how little time we have left. I think back to September and how much these peanuts have grown and changed and I am SO sad to send them on. :(

Fun: My birthday is the 24th of this month and I am having a super huge bash. I can't wait. :)

I am also linking up with LEARNING WITH MRS. LEEBY to let you all know that I am joining in on the Teacher Appreciation Sale on TPT. Everything ( all 6 items I actually sell...haha) is on sale 10% off on May 7th and 8th. I don't know about all of you but my cart is ready to G.O.!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday night friends. I'll be back Friday,  if not before!


  1. I am pumped for this sale! Thanks for linking up!


    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. I plan on making a lot of new resources for TpT this summer too. I wish you the best of luck with your grad classes! I love the flexibility that online classes offer. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks...started the class today. Not sure how I feel about it other than overwhelmed. I think I will feel better as I get going.

  3. Thanks for linking up! I too would LOVE more sleep but I have a one year old who still doesn't know how to sleep 6-8 hours. Good luck on finishing up your classes!


    1. Ugh, don't miss those days. My peanut has been having some asthma/ allergy issues these past couple of weeks which have woken her up...which in turn wakes mommy up. :)

  4. You are so lucky to have an iPad for your class!! Have a super week :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

    1. I think so too! Can't wait to play around with it!
      You too!

  5. I am so excited for you about your iPad!! That just rocks!! :) (I'm super jealous too!) I'm with you on the MAP testing thing!! :)

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

    1. One more day, one more day, one more day...I'll either be royally depressed or ecstatic over their scores but either way it will be done! ( For another year at least!)


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