Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quick Tips Linky #4

Happy Thursday Friends!

I am back today with my Classroom Quick Tip. For those of you that don't know. Angela and I started Classroom Quick Tips to get back to what we loved about blogging: the sharing of idea's. And let me tell you, we have gotten some GREAT ones from this linky party. If want to link up with us we would LOVE that. The only thing we ask is that you do not link up with a paid product. ( Freebies are ok and welcome!) Oh, and please post our button so others can join in on the fun as well. :)

Ok, so on to my quick tip.

This is actually one that I "stole" from one of my team members.

Last week I shared with you how I store my bulletin board letters and numbers. If you missed it you can check it out HERE.

This week I am going to share with you how SHE stores her bulletin board letters and numbers because it is pretty genius as well. :)

She has her letters separated not by color but by letter.

A couple of years ago, she had a parent volunteer who punched out, laminated, cut out, and sorted ALL of her letters.

She has all of her numbers in one big bag.
And all of her baggies are stored in one plastic tub in her closet.

So that is my quick tip for the week.
Angela and I have had a lot of fun hosting this linky. But we figured with most of our fellow bloggers out of school for the summer we should put this on hiatus. We'll be back middle/ end of August to start this back up.
Until then, have a quick tip to share? Link up with us below.


  1. I wish I would have learned about this linky before know. I like that you are trying to keep the paid items from being on here. I will try and remember your blog for August when you start again.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  2. I love this! I love bulletin boards, but I am pretty sure I lost half my letters when I took them down and now I can't find them as I pack up!!

    I am your newest follower.

    Diary of a First Year Teacher


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